About us

Cardiff’s Public Services Board (Cardiff PSB) brings together the city’s public service leadership and decision-makers to strengthen joint working, improving Cardiff’s economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being.

The members of the Cardiff PSB are as follows:

  • Cllr Huw Thomas (Chair), Leader of Cardiff Council
  • Charles Janczewski (Vice Chair), Chair of Cardiff & Vale University Health Board
  • Paul Orders, Chief Executive, Cardiff Council
  • Sarah McGill, Corporate Director, People and Communities, Cardiff Council
  • Suzanne Rankin, Chief Executive, Cardiff & Vale University Health Board
  • Claire Beynon, Executive Director Public Health, Cardiff & Vale University Health Board
  • Marie Davies, Interim Director of Strategy & Planning, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
  • Huw Jakeway, Chief Fire Officer, South Wales Fire and Rescue
  • David Letellier, Head of Operations South Wales Central, Natural Resources Wales
  • Sheila Hendrickson-Brown, Chief Executive, C3SC
  • Danny Richards, Chief Superintendent, South Wales Police
  • Emma Wools, South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner
  • Dan Jones, Director, Violence Protection Unit
  • Eirian Evans, Probation Delivery Unit (PDU) Head, National Probation Service
  • Zenny Saunders, Deputy Director for Post-Compulsory Education and Training Reform, Welsh Government

When required, senior officers from PSB organisations are invited to join PSB meetings to inform discussions or present updates against commitments made in the Cardiff Well-being Plan

PSBs are required, by the Well-being of Future Generations Act, to carry out a local well-being assessment and to produce a local well-being plan. These set out objectives that will contribute to achieving the Welsh Government’s 7 well-being goals. PSBs are also required to produce an Annual Report that identifies the steps taken to meet the PSB Well-being Plan objectives.


Terms of Reference

The Cardiff Public Services Board works with all areas of the organisation to achieve a better service for citizens of Cardiff and the wider region.

Cardiff PSB operates in accordance with the following terms of reference